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Пройти тесты - Англо-Немецкий - А2-В1 (решено)

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Пройти Тесты - Англо-Немецкий - А2-В1

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Тест #1   

Слова для выбора

Aber - Apparat - Geburtsort - Muss - Sache - Wetter - auf - dritte - gefahren - haben - los - möchte - oder - ohne - weh -

<form class="test">
<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
<p>1.   I would like a ticket for tonight. &gt;<b> Ich <input type="text" name="i1" size="11" onblur="da(this,&quot;möchte&quot;)"> gerne für heute abend eine Karte haben. </b></p>
<p>2.   I'll go to the market today. &gt;<b> Heute gehe ich <input type="text" name="i2" size="11" onblur="da(this,&quot;auf&quot;)"> den Markt. </b></p>
<p>3.   I'll have a mixed salad without tomatoes. &gt;<b> Ich hätte gern gemischten Salat <input type="text" name="i3" size="11" onblur="da(this,&quot;ohne&quot;)"> Tomaten. </b></p>
<p>4.   Of course! &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Aber&quot;)"> gewiss! / Klar! </b></p>
<p>5.   That settles the matter! &gt;<b> Die <input type="text" name="i5" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Sache&quot;)"> ist erledigt! </b></p>
<p>6.   What's the matter? &gt;<b> Was ist <input type="text" name="i6" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;los&quot;)">? </b></p>
<p>7.   the third &gt;<b> der, die, das <input type="text" name="i7" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;dritte&quot;)"> </b></p>
<p>8.   Where does it hurt? &gt;<b> Wo tut es Ihnen <input type="text" name="i8" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;weh&quot;)">? </b></p>
<p>9.   place and date of birth &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i9" size="10" onblur="da(this,&quot;Geburtsort&quot;)"> und -tag </b></p>
<p>10.   in fine weather &gt;<b> bei schönem <input type="text" name="i10" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;Wetter&quot;)"> </b></p>
<p>11.   Do I pay for the room in advance? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Muss&quot;)"> ich das Zimmer im voraus bezahlen? </b></p>
<p>12.   to succeed in / to be successful &gt;<b> Erfolg <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;haben&quot;)"> </b></p>
<p>13.   Coffee or tea, Sir? &gt;<b> Kaffee <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;oder&quot;)"> Tee, der Herr? </b></p>
<p>14.   Hold the line! / Hold on! &gt;<b> Bleiben Sie am <input type="text" name="i14" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;Apparat&quot;)">! </b></p>
<p>15.   You've taken the wrong road. &gt;<b> Sie sind in die falsche Straße <input type="text" name="i15" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;gefahren&quot;)">. </b></p>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;möchte&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;auf&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;ohne&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;Aber&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;Sache&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;los&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;dritte&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;weh&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;Geburtsort&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;Wetter&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;Muss&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;haben&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;oder&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;Apparat&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;gefahren&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">




Тест #2   

Слова для выбора

Alter - Grad - Sprache - Unfall - Wort - Zeit - drei - drei - gewiss - kommen - reden - schon - sehr - seine - wird -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<form class="test">
<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   he is sure to come &gt;<b> er kommt bestimmt / er <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;wird&quot;)"> sicher kommen </b><br>
2.   Of course! &gt;<b> Aber <input type="text" name="i2" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;gewiss&quot;)">! / Klar! </b><br>
3.   There has been an accident. &gt;<b> Es gab einen <input type="text" name="i3" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;Unfall&quot;)">. </b><br>
4.   These shoes are very comfortable. &gt;<b> Die Schuhe sind <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;sehr&quot;)"> bequem. </b><br>
5.   this very day &gt;<b> heute <input type="text" name="i5" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;schon&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   three plus four equals seven &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;drei&quot;)"> und vier ist gleich sieben </b><br>
7.   to be late &gt;<b> zu spät <input type="text" name="i7" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;kommen&quot;)"> </b><br>
8.   to not say a word &gt;<b> kein <input type="text" name="i8" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Wort&quot;)"> sprechen </b><br>
9.   to speak a language &gt;<b> eine <input type="text" name="i9" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;Sprache&quot;)"> sprechen </b><br>
10.   to take one's medicine &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i10" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;seine&quot;)"> Arznei / Medizin nehmen </b><br>
11.   to talk politics &gt;<b> über Politik sprechen / <input type="text" name="i11" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;reden&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   some time afterwards &gt;<b> nach einiger <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Zeit&quot;)"> </b><br>
13.   it is fifteen degrees below zero &gt;<b> es sind fünfzehn <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Grad&quot;)"> Kälte </b><br>
14.   at the age of &gt;<b> im <input type="text" name="i14" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Alter&quot;)"> von </b><br>
15.   Stay in bed for 3 days. &gt;<b> Bleiben Sie <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;drei&quot;)"> Tage im Bett. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;wird&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;gewiss&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;Unfall&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;sehr&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;schon&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;drei&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;kommen&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;Wort&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;Sprache&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;seine&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;reden&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;Zeit&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;Grad&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;Alter&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;drei&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">




Тест #3   

Слова для выбора

Antwort - Bad - Beispiel - Spaß - Vater - Würden - Zimmer - an - höre - kochen - mit - öffnen - rufen - spät - trinken -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<form class="test">
<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   I am listening. &gt;<b> Ich <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;höre&quot;)"> zu. </b><br>
2.   a plain answer &gt;<b> eine klare <input type="text" name="i2" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;Antwort&quot;)"> </b><br>
3.   I would like to ask you out for an evening. &gt;<b> Ich möchte gerne <input type="text" name="i3" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;mit&quot;)"> Ihnen einen Abend ausgehen. </b><br>
4.   Can I take a bath every day? &gt;<b> Kann ich jeden Tag ein <input type="text" name="i4" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;Bad&quot;)"> nehmen? </b><br>
5.   Can you wake me up tomorrow morning? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i5" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;Würden&quot;)"> Sie mich morgen wecken? </b><br>
6.   he has no sense of humour &gt;<b> er versteht keinen <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Spaß&quot;)"> </b><br>
7.   Leave the room so that I can have some peace. &gt;<b> Geh aus dem <input type="text" name="i7" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;Zimmer&quot;)">, damit ich Ruhe habe. </b><br>
8.   What will you have to drink? &gt;<b> Was <input type="text" name="i8" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;trinken&quot;)"> Sie? </b><br>
9.   She'll meet her father. &gt;<b> Sie wird ihren <input type="text" name="i9" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Vater&quot;)"> treffen. </b><br>
10.   to call for the police &gt;<b> die Polizei <input type="text" name="i10" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;rufen&quot;)"> </b><br>
11.   to cook / to prepare the meal &gt;<b> das Essen <input type="text" name="i11" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;kochen&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   to give an example &gt;<b> ein <input type="text" name="i12" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;Beispiel&quot;)"> geben </b><br>
13.   Do you take cheques? &gt;<b> Nehmen Sie Schecks <input type="text" name="i13" size="2" onblur="da(this,&quot;an&quot;)">? </b><br>
14.   Open here! &gt;<b> Hier <input type="text" name="i14" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;öffnen&quot;)">! </b><br>
15.   it's getting late &gt;<b> es wird <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;spät&quot;)"> </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;höre&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;Antwort&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;mit&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;Bad&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;Würden&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;Spaß&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;Zimmer&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;trinken&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;Vater&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;rufen&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;kochen&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;Beispiel&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;an&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;öffnen&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;spät&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">




Тест #4   

Слова для выбора

Braun - Kino - Klar - Post - Seite - Seite - Sonntag - Urlaub - erinnere - für - kam - mal - mehr - seit - störe -zwanzig -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   I hope I'm not disturbing you. &gt;<b> Ich hoffe, ich <input type="text" name="i1" size="10" onblur="da(this,&quot;störe&quot;)"> Sie nicht. </b><br>
2.   I remember that &gt;<b> ich <input type="text" name="i2" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;erinnere&quot;)"> mich, dass </b><br>
3.   I'd like to go to the pictures tonight. &gt;<b> Ich möchte heute abend ins <input type="text" name="i3" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Kino&quot;)"> gehen. </b><br>
4.   last Sunday &gt;<b> letzten <input type="text" name="i4" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;Sonntag&quot;)"> </b><br>
5.   Of course! &gt;<b> Aber gewiss! / <input type="text" name="i5" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Klar&quot;)">! </b><br>
6.   The consignment arrived late. &gt;<b> Die Sendung <input type="text" name="i6" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;kam&quot;)"> spät an. </b><br>
7.   There is sufficient food for everyone. &gt;<b> Es gibt genug Essen <input type="text" name="i7" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;für&quot;)"> jeden. </b><br>
8.   Will you please listen! &gt;<b> Hören Sie <input type="text" name="i8" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;mal&quot;)"> zu! </b><br>
9.   on holiday / on vacation &gt;<b> im <input type="text" name="i9" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;Urlaub&quot;)"> </b><br>
10.   to mail &gt;<b> zur <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Post&quot;)"> bringen / schaffen </b><br>
11.   for a long time &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;seit&quot;)"> langem / schon lange </b><br>
12.   nothing more &gt;<b> nichts <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;mehr&quot;)"> </b><br>
13.   Brown. Pink. Violet. Yellow. &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i13" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Braun&quot;)">. Rosa. Violett. Gelb. </b><br>
14.   at the bottom of the page &gt;<b> unten auf der <input type="text" name="i14" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Seite&quot;)"> </b><br>
15.   Step aside! &gt;<b> Geh zur <input type="text" name="i15" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Seite&quot;)">! </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;störe&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;erinnere&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;Kino&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;Sonntag&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;Klar&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;kam&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;für&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;mal&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;Urlaub&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;Post&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;seit&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;mehr&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;Braun&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;Seite&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;Seite&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">




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